Subject: Quick Sum Sheet (SHK) Author: Will Nelken Uploaded By: AFL Marty Date: 1/8/1993 File: QUICKSUM.SHK (3320 bytes) Estimated Download Time (60658 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 14 Equipment: Any Apple // or compatible Needs: AppleWorks 3.0, ShrinkIt REUPLOAD The SumSheet is a very simple (but visually appealing and FAST) spreadsheet calculator for adding or subtracting _columns_ of numbers or multiplying or dividing pairs of numbers. It can be quickly called from the desktop or the top of a subdirectory listing for those lists that are too big to do in your head. Comes in MouseText and normal versions with a pair of cleanup macros for UltraMacros users. ------------------------------------------------------------- Apple II Productivity Forum Libraries. Go Keyword: APR